Welcome To Our World :D

Segala komen yang positif & membina sangat dialu-alukan. Selamat
membaca. SEMOGA TERHIBUR!!! :D

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Growing Up

  Assalamualaikum everyone,

As the girls in the Wonder Woman chatroom are reminiscing the good old days that were never too late to be cherished, Im writing this entry (LOL). I am simply displaying my embarrassment through this post. Regarding my older posts, pardon my immature self for everyone went through that phase of teen age.HAHA.  It is impossible to say I'm not missing them (to add the fact that I'm gonna lose Sarah in a few months from now 😭).

 As you may know, Sarah and I had finished memorising Quran (we joined a tahfiz joint programme between IIUM and Darul Quran). Though we felt an extreme relief about it, the relief had to say goodbye few days later. Completing 30 juz of Quran was completely rough sailing, a tough task and requires gallons of tears. Memorising Biology is like a piece of cake compared to this. For this responsibility is on our shoulder for the rest of our life. However, Allah has stated in Quran:

لَا يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا وُسْعَهَا  (Al Baqarah:286)

In Ibnu Kathir's Tafsir that I recently read in a blog, Allah takkan bebankan hambaNya melainkan dengan kemampuan hambaNya itu. That's clearly has shown us to BELIEVE in His promise.

The same goes to all of us. Me, Sarah, Juey, Aliah, Yot, Abby (Allah, takkan nak type nama semua Prolt pulak) and all of us, biarpun datang ombak ganas, ribut membaham never give in. Come hell or high water, we must braze ourselves. Studying is not as easy as just reading and memorizing, it's more that that. It needs our passion, our boldness, our tight embrace, our struggle, our prayers, our tawakkal for them to stay with us throughout our life. Especially kita as women. Education is vital so they won't look down at us, underestimate us. The 'they' is society. Our society surely has evolving as years passing by. But some people with old-fashioned minded still think of women the same way ppl decades ago. No need to respect women, to treat them equally and all that (Read: Donald Trump)

Thus, empower yourself.

Secure your career.
Manage your splurging lust.
Marry when you and your future spouse are sure about each other.
(And please, tak salah if kita nak cari calon time study. Just know the boundaries, Allah's there, always).

The point is keep going, girls. We are strong, stronger that we think we are. Prettier than we think we are. We are not lacking as we think we are. Allah tahu, He knows best. You just have to bring out the best of yourself.

We have our parents. Our families. We have each other. We love each other, don't you?

P/S: But i love my husband more 😘 🙃


Saturday, August 13, 2016

Resepi Kombinasi Jus Buahan

Assalamualaikum... Annyeonghaseyo.. Hello.. Hai

Saja nak share kpd kwn2 resepi kombinasi Jus Buahan dekat Ground Floor IJN. Ni pon dapat dr group ws.. Semoga bermanfaat...

Carrot + Ginger + Apple
Boost dan membersihkan sistem dalaman badan.

Apple + Timun + Saderi
Mencegah kanser, mengurangkan kolesterol dan menghapuskan sakit perut dan sakit kepala.

Tomato + Carrot + Apple
Meningkatkan kompleksi kulit dan menghapuskan nafas berbau.

Peria + Apple + Milk
Elakkan nafas berbau dan mengurangkan haba dalaman badan.

Orange + Halia + Timun 
Meningkatkan tekstur kulit dan kelembapan dan mengurangkan panas badan.

Nanas + Epal + Tembikai
Untuk menghilangkan garam berlebihan, membersihkan pundi kencing dan buah pinggang.

Apple + Timun + Kiwi 
Untuk mencerahkan warna kulit.

Pear + Banana
Mengawal kandungan gula.

Carrot + Apple + Pear + Mango
Meredakan panas badan, nyah toksik, menurun tekanan darah dan melawan pengoksidaan.

Honeydew + Grape + Tembikai + Susu
Kaya dengan vitamin C + vitamin B2, meningkatkan aktiviti sel dan kuatkan imuniti badan.

Betik + Nanas + Susu
Kaya dengan vitamin C, E, Besi, mencerahkan warna kulit dan metabolisme.

Pisang+ Nanas+ Susu
Kaya dengan vitamin yang berkhasiat dan mengelakkan sembelit.


Thursday, May 19, 2016

New Journey


Dah lama gak lah x jenguk blog ni.. rindu lah juga (sebenarnya rindukan prolt).. masuk bulan ni dh 6 bulan x kumpul, borak2, gosip2 ngan prolt.. awal2 tu rasa peliklah sikit duduk rumah je x jumpa kwn2.. almaklumlah selama ni duduk asrama 24 jam ngan kwn.. pagi petang siang malam jumpa muka yg sama je hampir 5 tahun..hmm kalau ikutkan masa ngan dorang lebih byk berbanding masa ngan keluarga.. tp nama pon kehidupan.. setiap pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan.. namun perpisahan itu bukanlah satu pengakhiran.. In shaa Allah kalau ada rezeki ada jodoh bolehlah prolt kumpul sesama..

So, skrg ni masing2 dh ambil haluan masing2 utk terus belajar.. ada yg ambil stam, stpm & ada juga yg ambil pilihan utk ambil diploma, asasi & sebagainya.. Ape pon pilihan prolt utk sambung belajar semoga kita dpt menghadapi segala cabaran baru yg bakal kita hadapi di luar sana.. suasana kat luar dh x sama mcm kat sekolah.. mcm2 jenis org dgn mcm2 perangai kita akan jumpa.. semoga Allah sentiasa pelihara kita drpd perkara2 yg x baik.. nanti yg duduk kat U tu, solat jgn tinggal (aku yakin prolt x tinggal solat.. In shaa Allah).. kalau boleh solat lah awal waktu.. kat sana nanti dh x de org nk igtkan semua ni.. study jgn sampai terlps waktu solat.. kalau boleh set kan kat phone waktu2 solat.. so, kita sentiasa peka.. Ingat!!! Allah x janji org yg rajin tu berjaya, Allah x janji juga org yg pandai tu berjaya tp Allah janji org yg solat tu berjaya.. Selain tu, nanti kalau dh start busy dgn study, jgn lah sesekali lupakan parents.. cari masa contact dorang.. tp aku yakin korang mesti contact punyalah.. kalau dulu kat asrama call kat public pon boleh hari2.. nanti phone kat tgn mestilah boleh juga call hari2.. Btw, nanti dh sambung belajar, dh dpt kwn baru.. jgn sesekali lupakan prolt ok?? pastikan igt setiap sorang ahli2 prolt ni.. walaupun jarang contact, sentiasalah igt dlm doa kalian.. Semoga usaha & perjuangan prolt belajar & capai cita2 dipermudahkan oleh Allah.. Aminnn.. Welcome to the new journey guys!!!

oklah.. dh x tau nk sambung apa lagi.. nanti kalau ada masa aku sambunglah pape.. x nk lah blog ni bersarang sgt.. kalau ada idea pape nk suruh aku letak kat blog ni bagilah ok??

Selamat malam!!! Assalamualaikum...

p/s: mcm x percaya yg prolt dh besar dh habis sklh.. sbb prolt sentiasa menjadi kanak2 riang di mata aku.. miss you wonder woman

Friday, January 9, 2015


Ya. Aku tidak layak untuk menegur. Tapi... Aku teringat Rasulullah. Baginda suruh kita sambung dakwahnya. Kalau kita nampak orang buat salah.....
Slow talk ukhti  Please. Kita sebar agama Allah sama-2! Kita sama-2. Jangan mengharapkan,
"Ohh kawan aku tu ada nak tegur."
Tak sayang... Kita sama-sama!
Ya. Kita kena suluh diri dulu. Jangan dok pandai tunding jari je. Tapi sampai bila? Nak tunggu sampai perfect? Bila nak perfectnya? Sampai bila-2 pun kita takkan perfect. Dalam masa kita berubah ke arah jalan Allah, kita cuba ajak sekali orang sekeliling kita berubah dengan kita. Ajak!
Tapi bila kita dah ajak orang, kita tajdid niat selalu. Kena tajdid selalu. Syaitan di mana-mana ..
Kita kena selalu niat. Kita berubah kerana Allah. Kita ajak orang berubah kerana Allah. Bukan sebab duniawi  Bukan sebab pujian .. Nanti bila kawan kita dah boleh terima dakwah kita, jangan pulak berharap yang dia akan mention nama kita. Macam, "Kau tahu Jah. Leha tu dah banyak ubahkan aku!"
Kalau dia cakap tanpa kita tahu nak buat canoo kan. Heeeahhahaha.
Kalau nampak diorang mention-2 name kita, cakaplah kat diorang. Jangan. Kita tak tahu kan? Perasaan riak tu cane. Riak ni cam umpana semut hitam dalam kicap. Hahaha so tak nampak en semut tu. Tengok-2 , makin lama makin lupa. Hahaha. Ntah la. Orang kata makan semut cepat lupe. Hahaha okay dah ..
Riak ni kekadang datang tanpa kita sedar. Kekadang masa kita sedar. Haaa  Banyak cara kita boleh kikis perasaan riak ni ukhti semua.
Cenni ----->>>>>
1. Baca Astaghfirullahhalazim 100x kali. Kalau lebih lagi bagus. Masa baca tu hayati betul-2. SubhanaAllah indahnya rasa 
2. Baca : laillaha illa anta. Subhanaka, inni kuntu minazzhalimin.
Maksud :
tidak ada Tuhan selain Engkau. Maha Suci Engkau. Sungguh aku ini termasuk orang-orang yang zalim”.
3. Perbanyakkan solat sunat Taubat. Kalau boleh sehari sekali. Kalau boleh lagi lepas sembahyang fardhu buat lagi. InsyaAllah. Kena sado! 
4. Solat fardhu awal waktu! Bila kita solat awal, InsyaAllah, kita lebih kusyuk. Kalau kusyuk lagi bestkan 
Perbanyakkan solat sunat lah. Macam tahajjud. Yes yes. Memang susah en. Nak bangun pagi semua. So? Ingat ni

If you want something and it is so big, you have to do something big too.
Mintak nak banyak, usaha tak setimpal tak jadi gak en syg? Hehe  Kita cuba slow-2 ye. Kita sama-2. Kita berubah sesame! Kasi istiqomah. Jangan buat sebab nak hilangkan kotoran hati semata mata. Tapi nak kejar redha Allah. Nak Allah terima semua ibadah kita. Okay?

Kreditt to--> miraAB(dlm whatsapp..hhahahaa)

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

CacaWooBin - ((Disebabkan gila WooBin kejap))

 Assalamualaikum and anyong. Okay, sorry la sebab mencetus controversy and publicity disebabkan my latest name tu, CacaWooBin. Hahaha, tak tahu macam mana nk pendekkan. Actually kitaorang dah lama suka sama suka, cuma baru sekarang kitaorang bukak hati masing-masing. Hahaha, mengarut itu semua. Tunggu la kejap lagi, nanti nama tu bertukar lagi. Eg: CacaDyo, CacaMino, CacaBobby.

Gambar bias lain...

   But please okay, those names are already reserved by me. I mean, those person. Okay dah. Enough. Tinggalkan lelaki-lelaki itu di belakang dulu. ((Saya memang perasan))

   Kesian blog ni. Caca tulis ni pun sebab nak mengisi kekosongan yang telah lama menghantui laman blog ini. Yalah, kalau tinggal 40 hari maknanya nanti ada makhluk  lain yang menetap. Bahaya la pulak kan? Caca nak semua baca surah Al Baqarah ye. 

   So how yours holiday? Hahaha... Tu la soalan common bila tengah ukur hari nak naik sekolah. Sudah la, nanti rosakkna mood pulak. Hahaha. Okay la. Caca ingat nanti nak sambung buat story Pak Cik Murthi Roti Boom dekat blog ni. Yelah,tak nak bagi makhluk halus singgah. Nanti tak pasal-pasal kecoh pulak ada budak heart attack. Jangan terus 'jalan' sudah. Tambah-tambah si Dayah Zukni n Amira Ab yang memang kaki gigit jari bila dgar seram2 ni.

   Hari tu kiteorang gi cinema, ingt nak tgok Annabelle. Pastu dua orang tak jadi masuk. Takot katenya. Haiyaaa. Tak apalah, let bygone be bygone. 

Hahahaha, okaylah. Bye. Assalamualaikum.

P/s: Dayah n Mira, sorry la terinclude nama korang pulak.


Saturday, October 25, 2014

CacaDyo - E•X•A•M month

   Assalamualaikum guys

     Sigh* issshhh, ape ni! Tak baik mengeluh. But how could i do? Im so deadly tired. Exhausted to death! Exam tak habes2, continuosly and simultaneously! 

   Wednesday - Paper 3 Amali, Trial SMA and pulang textbook. Grrhhh~~~ nak buat macam mana kan? Face the music and just follow the flow je la.

    Dalam hidup kita pun mcam tu kan, every live man would face challenges in their lifes too. So redha je okay guys! Allah also said in Quran, i dont remember the specific ayat but it means, JGAN INGT KAU SUDAH KUAT IMANNYA IF KAU TAK DIUJI.

    힘내요 친고들! (Fighting,beb!) 

     Allah also said in Quran: Allah tak akan menimpakan burden kepada hambanya di luar kemampuan hambanya itu sendiri. Baik kan Dia? Dia selalu baik, sabar dengan kita. Tapi apa yang kita selalu buat untuk Dia?Apa je  yang kita dah buat utk Dia? Nothing? A little? A lot? That's depends on Allah. 

        Chaiyok! Wake up and together we change! InsyaAllah!

Always حسن الظن to HIM and never lose faith!

Friday, September 19, 2014

WTF?! Promise

Character :

 You (( Helen ))


Jack Gyllenhaal 


Jane Gyllenhaal  ((eg.))

    A promise. I last made a promise to my best friend, Chloe Watson. We have separated for billion seconds, which specifically means five years ago. When I gifted by God a scholarship from my dad's crush company, Bolt. Co. Just about ten minutes before I got excited for a Paris's plane, I heard a familiar yell. I'm gonna miss this girl really bad, I thought and I really did. 

  "Helen, promise me you will come back here and find me!" I nodded and smiled, the best smile I could curve at the same time prevented my eyes from bursting out that stupid tears. I waved at her, covered my sorrowness with the imagine of the sweet and romantic Eiffel Tower. Her small, cute face was looking a little fear somehow. But I didn't think much about that. Could I meet any alluring French guy with their thick English-French accent ? I'm a brunette with a little tanned skin, not including the nerd and the vapids.

    So today here I am in a yellow cab heading straight to Chloe's Watson house. Though my seven minutes arrival at John F. Kennedy was a bit tiring but I'm sure Chloe's face gonna energized my first day in America. My first destination would be Watson's of course. We spent most of our childhood times there. Where we secretly threw a party when the Watsons couple was away to visit Chloe's sick aunt and in result we got our names in police report from the neighbourhood complains. 

   No matter what, we had to face the music. Thus, we got a continuos night chew out by both of our parents. Her house also got a tree house where our family built it together a day after my birthday. There was also where Mr. Watson and my dad spent a month luncheon and tea where that was our time to play in that great tree house. But after Chloe made up a sign bord GIRLS ONLY, DADDIES ARE PROHIBITED both of our daddies refused to give us a week allowance. Sulky daddies!

    Chloe's princess-like room was our favourite the most. There almost every experiences in our life we encountered. Pyjama party, dress up party, manicure and pedicure party and the most tense moments was prom night. But none either of us got that QUEEN title.We felt terrible but nah! who cares about that girly yet girly things?

  "Miss, we are here." The cab driver woke me up and next to my left was Watson's house. The nostalgia flooded in me again. The house was still the same, the only thing changed was Mrs. Watson's bundle pots of cactus were gone. Broken maybe.

  Just a couple of knocks on the classic wooden floor, the door opened and there was Mrs. Watson with her whitey curly hair and wrinkled cute face. "Helen? Helen right?" The moment I nodded, Mrs.Watson pulled me into her motherly arms. And there was Mr.Watson running down the stairs when he knew I was coming. I felt very welcomed with them by my sides. They were busy baking maccaroni cheese while I stepped towards my felony's room, my beloved Chloe Watson.

   Everything was perfectly on their places. Nothing moved and nothing added. The wardrobe, the bed where Chloe have been sobbed when she found out her crush, Jack Gyllenhaal dating her classmate, Jenny Lorrence who had already known as hottest chick in our days but not now. The make up desk where I cried when my crush Nicholas Hoult dated our practical teacher! She was twenty and he was sixteen! But his dad got me scholarship and I didn't even bothered with it, but deeply I was.

But then I noticed something missing. Slightly.

   I ran downstairs. "Mrs. Watson, where's Chloe?" She and Mr. Watson hesitated before offering me lunch. Before I left, she got me a paper with anynomous adress on it. "It's a new adress. With her husband."

  God, what the heck?! She's married? How dare she not telling me? I kissed both of Watsons's cheeks and hugged and waved at them. I raced to the taxi and told him to roar the road.

  It was a not-so-huge-but-big house she'd living in. There were an Audi and a BMW, which I'm dying for them. She must living a comfortable cozy life, I guess. I knocked and a door and it took less than a minute to hear a click and the door opened.

  A little girl appeared in my sight. She looked like... Chloe Watson. "Jane, who's that?" A manly voice from the back and his face popped at the door.

  Oh my Harry Styles ((he is my fav singer)), I bet on my five thousand Louis Vuitton bag that the man in front of me right now was...


  She married her crush? God, I'll kill her for her luck. Jack looked a bit shock but I knew he recalled me. "Helen? You are Helen right?" I bet he knew me because of Chloe wed him. If not, I'm just an ordinary old friend who turned to be single at my late twenties. Well I couldn't make up with French guys. They are just... so... ergh, forget bout it.

  Jack shot me a quick smile as I got my ass on the couch. I looked at Jane, who was smiling at me and giggled when I teased her. Jack at the kitchen making coffee.

 "Jane, where's your mom?" Jane didn't looked up to me when she attentively played Lego. "She's sleeping." 

  I got myself in the kitchen where Jack was brewing coffee. Duh. "Jack, can't you wake Chloe up? I'm dying meeting her. Or just let me wake her up."

  "Helen, stop." He grabbed my arm. He put a serious face. Owh he looked so sexy in that expression. Am I flirting with my best friend's husband?

Read the sequel at
